Happy new year! We hope you had a great Christmas break. Now that we've completed our first year here at the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network, we'd love to hear your thoughts on what we’ve done so far and where we can go from here.
Please let us know your feedback by completing this short 5 minute survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=FM9wg_MWFky4PHJAcWVDVso_YOX1DpNAlNWCPiC4aLJUQTM0ODVGVUlNTVRHTUlXQTYyMEFHTVIxWC4u All responses are completely anonymous. Thank you so much to all our members for making it such a great year, and we look forward to engaging with you all in 2020. We want to understand what people who have experienced violence and abuse, and who have experience of mental health problems think should be the focus of Network activities. We are therefore conducting a consultation between Nov 2018 and Feb 2019 to ask people about their priorities for research. We will engage people with lived experience of mental health problems and survivors of violence and abuse through links with our partners, including organisations such as Women’s Aid, Safe Lives, and Rape Crisis. The consultation will involve an open online survey (hosted by the McPin Foundation) asking people to submit their ideas about the type of questions that the Network should focus on. We'll also be asking participants about the importance they would place on the preliminary topics previously suggested by Network leads. The survey will be followed by meetings with people from the mental health sector, violence and abuse services, and people with lived experience of violence, abuse, and/or mental health problems. Through this process we hope to begin to build a consensus about the direction the Network will take. We look forward to sharing our findings with you! If you are interested in completing the survey and contributing to the direction that the network will take, please follow this link. |
November 2023