The Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG) reports on injury and violence A&E attendances and ambulance callouts across the North West of England. We also hold data from other organisations such as Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and some walk in centres. Data is received at an anonymised record level and includes (for A&E attendances) demographics (patients age, sex and LSOA of residence), information relating to the attendance (date and time of attendance, arrival mode, referral mode and outcome) and the type of injury (including self-harm and assaults). For assaults specifically, TIIG work with A&Es to improve the completion of the ‘Information Sharing to Tackle Violence’ dataset which comprises the date and time of incident, location (public place, home, licensed premise etc), location details (name of street, name of pub etc) and weapon involved. TIIG request A&Es also collect relationship to attacker, where this is not collected, ‘assaults taking place in the home’ is used as a proxy measure. Data is shared with a number of local partners including Community Safety Partnerships, Police and Local Authorities. For Merseyside specifically, to support their Violence Reduction Partnership, a data hub profiling serious violence across Merseyside has been developed.
AccessOn request via Jen Germain – [email protected]
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