Advisors Needed: Decision-making around Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse:
factors and frameworks affecting decision-makers’
Chris Dyke is a PhD student at the Institute of Education Social Science Department at UCL. He is researching how decision-makers (judges, Parole Board members, etc) form a view about the risk posed by a perpetrator of domestic abuse? What factors have most bearing (consciously or not) on this view, and on the subsequent decision? And how and why does this matter for the welfare (mental and physical) of survivors of domestic abuse? He is looking to set up an advisory group to guide his research and has asked us to circulate the following message through the network.
"Can you spare a couple of hours to help shape research into decisions around domestic abusers?
Do you have personal and/or professional experience that could inform this research? Are there questions that you think need to be put to the parole board, judges, and other key decision-makers? How do you think professional decisions about offenders contribute to the mental health of survivors? What is your experience of survivors dealing with the impact of criminal justice decisions about their abusers, and what has this meant for their mental health? I am looking to members of this network to help form an advisory group to shape my interview questions and my research as a whole. Applicants should have experience of domestic abuse personally, or through work as a researcher, therapist, IDVA, social worker, lawyer or similar professional. I'm putting together a discussion group in London this Spring, depending on people’s availability (and could also accept suggestions by email). Refreshments and reasonable travel expenses will be provided. For more details, or to get involved, please email [email protected]." |
Potential Collaborators needed for a study on Intimate Image Abuse
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