The Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network has hosted three calls for small grants to support research in specific areas, to address identified gaps in knowledge, and to improve the knowledge-base in areas of new challenge or changing policy and practice. Grants are available up to a maximum of £25,000 and can be used to deliver a targeted piece of research or to pump-prime larger projects. Each of the three calls (one per year) will be themed: measurement, understanding and intervention.
Small Grant Call 2021: Intervention (call closed)
In 2021 we ran our third funding call on the theme of interventions for violence, abuse and mental health. We hope to announce the winners of this call in the coming months.
Small Grant Call 2020: Understanding (call closed)
In 2020 we ran our second funding call on the theme of understanding violence, abuse and mental health. We we shortly be announcing the four proposals we have funded through this round.
Small Grant Call 2019: Measurement (call closed)
In 2019 the VAMHN launched our first funding call on the theme of measuring violence, abuse and mental health. To find out about the four projects we funded in this grant call on click here.
In 2019 the VAMHN launched our first funding call on the theme of measuring violence, abuse and mental health. To find out about the four projects we funded in this grant call on click here.