Opportunity to contribute to a cross-disciplinary review
The Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN) has been invited to submit a state-of-the-art review on violence and women's mental health for the prestigious Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (SPPE) journal and is now looking for an editor and additional contributors.
Professor Louise M Howard, who is leading the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN) together with Dr Sian Oram, has been invited to contribute to the state-of the-art review series of the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (SPPE). Professor Howard has now extended this call to the whole VAMHN team and is seeking collaborators to produce a cross-disciplinary review that reflects the diversity and expertise of the network.
About SPPE:
SPPE is intended to provide a medium for the prompt publication of scientific contributions concerned with all aspects of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders. Since 2014 the SPPE state-of-the-art series has included reviews on the interface of the social, psychological and biological, syntheses of findings from large epidemiological studies, and recent advances in research on youth mental health. SPPE would now like to extend the series to reviews on recent advances in research on violence and women’s mental health.
About the state-of-the-art review:
The review should outline the recent advances in research on violence and women’s mental health and discuss this in the context of new challenges in the field and directions for future research. The review should not exceed 4,500 words and may comprise the sections of Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, and Figure Legends. However, the body of the text can also be organised in a less structured format. The manuscripts should be submitted by March 2020 with a quick turnaround for publication in 2020.
We are looking for additional contributors:
To showcase the cross-disciplinary expertise of the network, we are looking for additional contributors. Specifically, we are looking for:
a) An editor who will act as first author on the paper, overlook and direct the writing/editing process, sets and enforces deadlines, and ensures relevant topics are covered and addressed according to the SSPE guidelines;
b) Authors who will add to the review with their diverse expertise and write relevant sections for the article;
According to SPPE’s guidelines, any co-authors would have to agree these with SPPE in advance.
How to get involved:
If you are interested in in acting as an editor or co-author to this state-of-the-art review, please email [email protected] by the Friday the 18th of October, 5pm. Please state your interest and the expertise/topic you hope to contribute. We aim to get back to all interested parties by the end of October.
The Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN) has been invited to submit a state-of-the-art review on violence and women's mental health for the prestigious Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (SPPE) journal and is now looking for an editor and additional contributors.
Professor Louise M Howard, who is leading the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN) together with Dr Sian Oram, has been invited to contribute to the state-of the-art review series of the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (SPPE). Professor Howard has now extended this call to the whole VAMHN team and is seeking collaborators to produce a cross-disciplinary review that reflects the diversity and expertise of the network.
About SPPE:
SPPE is intended to provide a medium for the prompt publication of scientific contributions concerned with all aspects of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders. Since 2014 the SPPE state-of-the-art series has included reviews on the interface of the social, psychological and biological, syntheses of findings from large epidemiological studies, and recent advances in research on youth mental health. SPPE would now like to extend the series to reviews on recent advances in research on violence and women’s mental health.
About the state-of-the-art review:
The review should outline the recent advances in research on violence and women’s mental health and discuss this in the context of new challenges in the field and directions for future research. The review should not exceed 4,500 words and may comprise the sections of Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, and Figure Legends. However, the body of the text can also be organised in a less structured format. The manuscripts should be submitted by March 2020 with a quick turnaround for publication in 2020.
We are looking for additional contributors:
To showcase the cross-disciplinary expertise of the network, we are looking for additional contributors. Specifically, we are looking for:
a) An editor who will act as first author on the paper, overlook and direct the writing/editing process, sets and enforces deadlines, and ensures relevant topics are covered and addressed according to the SSPE guidelines;
b) Authors who will add to the review with their diverse expertise and write relevant sections for the article;
According to SPPE’s guidelines, any co-authors would have to agree these with SPPE in advance.
How to get involved:
If you are interested in in acting as an editor or co-author to this state-of-the-art review, please email [email protected] by the Friday the 18th of October, 5pm. Please state your interest and the expertise/topic you hope to contribute. We aim to get back to all interested parties by the end of October.